Filtered Text:

The Personalized Text Filter is an easy-to-use online tool designed to help users quickly modify a given text according to their preferences. With this tool, users can highlight specific words or phrases and remove unwanted words to create a more tailored reading experience. Whether it’s for educational purposes, content review, or simply for personal use, the Personalized Text Filter offers a convenient and customizable solution for text processing.

How to Use the Text Filter Online Tool?

Step 1:

Access the Tool Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Personalized Text Filter web page.

Step 2:

Enter Your Text Locate the text input area labeled “Enter your text here…” and type or paste your desired text into the provided textarea.

Step 3:

Choose Words to Highlight In the “Highlight words” input field, enter the words or phrases you want to highlight in the text, separated by commas. These words will be visually emphasized in the output, making them easier to spot.

Example: word1, word2, word3

Step 4:

Choose Words to Remove In the “Remove words” input field, enter the words or phrases you want to remove from the text, separated by commas. These words will be completely removed from the output, streamlining the content based on your preferences.

Example: word1, word2, word3

Step 5:

Apply Filter Click the “Apply Filter” button to process your text. The tool will automatically remove and/or highlight the specified words according to your input.

Step 6:

Review the Filtered Text Scroll down to the “Filtered Text” section to view your personalized text. The highlighted words will be displayed with a yellow background, while the removed words will no longer appear in the output.

Step 7:

Make Adjustments (Optional) If you want to make further adjustments, simply modify your input in the “Highlight words” and/or “Remove words” fields and click “Apply Filter” again. The updated output will be displayed in the “Filtered Text” section.


The Personalized Text Filter is a versatile and user-friendly tool that enables users to quickly customize text according to their specific needs. With its simple interface and straightforward functionality, the Personalized Text Filter is perfect for anyone looking to efficiently process text for a more tailored reading experience.