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Getting Video Data
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Snippet Details :

Video Title: n/a

Video Description: n/a

Video Published At: n/a

Channel Name: n/a

Channel Description: n/a

Channel ID: n/a

Video Tags:

Statistics Details :

Video viewCount: n/a

Video likeCount: n/a

Video favoriteCount: n/a

Video commentCount: n/a

Status Details :

Video embeddable: n/a

Video license: n/a

Video madeForKids: n/a

Video privacyStatus: n/a

Video publicStatsViewable: n/a

Video uploadStatus: n/a

Content Details :

Video caption: n/a

Video definition: n/a

Video dimension: n/a

Video duration: n/a

Video licensedContent: n/a

Video projection: n/a

Thumbnails :

Topic Details :

Export and Share :

Why Use YouTube Lookup?

  1. Effortless Data Extraction: Promoting videos across the web requires gathering important snippets such as view counts, descriptions, and more. YouTube Lookup simplifies this process by allowing you to paste any public YouTube video link into the lookup box and hit submit. Within seconds, the tool scrapes the YouTube source and populates key fields for analysis.
  2. Comprehensive Video Details: YouTube Lookup retrieves a wealth of information about the video you're analyzing. It provides details such as the video title, publish date, description, tags, and important statistics like views and likes. Additionally, it displays the uploading channel details, giving you a comprehensive understanding of the video's background.
  3. Optimize Promotion Strategies: By utilizing the powerful metadata lookup feature of YouTube Lookup, you can optimize your video promotion strategies. Easily compare statistics over time, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions. Repurpose video descriptions optimally across different platforms to maximize reach and engagement.
  4. Export and Share: YouTube Lookup allows you to export individual fields as formatted text snippets. This feature enables you to directly copy and paste the extracted data into related projects, presentations, or reports. Save time and effort by seamlessly integrating the insights gained from YouTube Lookup into your workflow.

How to Use YouTube Lookup?

  1. Paste Video URL: Simply paste the URL of the YouTube video you want to analyze into the lookup box on the YouTube Lookup tool page.
  2. Click "Submit": After pasting the video URL, click the "Submit" button to initiate the data extraction process.
  3. Retrieve Video Insights: Within seconds, YouTube Lookup will scrape the YouTube source and populate key fields with essential metadata and statistics. You will see details such as the video title, publish date, description, tags, and important statistics like views and likes.
  4. Export Data: If you need to use the extracted data in other projects or reports, you can easily export individual fields as formatted text snippets. This allows for seamless integration of the insights gained from YouTube Lookup into your workflow.

Benefits of Using YouTube Lookup

  1. Enhanced Video Analysis: YouTube Lookup provides you with valuable insights that enable you to understand videos better. By analyzing key metrics such as views, likes, and descriptions, you can gain a deeper understanding of video performance and audience engagement.
  2. Optimized Promotion Strategies: With the comprehensive information provided by YouTube Lookup, you can optimize your video promotion strategies. Make data-driven decisions, identify trends, and repurpose video descriptions effectively across different platforms.
  3. Save Time and Effort: YouTube Lookup streamlines the process of extracting video insights. With just a few clicks, you can retrieve essential metadata and statistics, saving you time and effort in manual data gathering.
  4. Seamless Integration: The ability to export individual fields as formatted text snippets allows for easy integration of YouTube Lookup insights into your projects, presentations, or reports. This feature ensures a seamless workflow and enhances productivity.


YouTube Lookup, brought to you by, is a powerful online tool that enables you to extract valuable insights from YouTube videos. With its effortless data extraction, comprehensive video details, and export functionality, YouTube Lookup empowers you to optimize your video promotion strategies and make informed decisions. Start using YouTube Lookup today and unlock the potential of your YouTube video analysis.